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A new study has revealed how British cat and dog lovers spend upwards of an extra £78m on heating each year to keep their pets warm.

We know first-hand how much Britons love their pets, and we love ours just as much. We see hundreds of visitors every year visit our dog friendly Cornwall cottages and get to see up close how much love they share with their pets.

So it comes as no surprise to us to learn that almost half of all British pet owners (43 per cent) admit they sometimes leave the heating on when they leave the house to keep their pets warm. On top of that, 26 per cent say they turn on the radio for their pets and 15 per cent leave the TV on.

The survey also revealed it’s more likely to be dog owners leaving on the heating, with 53 per cent admitting to feeling worried their pet will feel cold when they’re not around. For cats it’s only 47 per cent.

However, energy experts calculate that leaving the heating on all day could cost up to £140 a year in energy bills, while some animal experts claim leaving the radio or telly on can actually cause pets stress.

Philip Sellwood, of the Energy Saving Trust, said: “We want to make certain people are aware of the facts so they can heat their home comfortably and affordably. Creature comforts come at a cost and what many people don’t realise is we spend more than half of our energy bills on heating.”

Rosie Barclay, from the Association of Pet Behaviour Counsellors, said: “Pets have different needs to humans when it comes to staying warm and comfortable, and don’t need heating. However, it’s perfectly understandable how people like to humanise their pets.

“They can also come to associate the TV being left on with the fact you are about to leave them, so it’s far better to leave them with a play toy with a treat hidden inside, or even hide some treats around the house, as a way to entertain them.”